Fruitful Harvest, the Diocesan Biennial Appeal, began October 7. As Father discussed during Mass, our Parish Life Center campaign will be included in the Fruitful Harvest Appeal.
This week, a team of parishioners will begin contacting each parishioner to discuss their up front that we can provide in the next 60 days (50% suggested), the sooner we can move forward in our planning. While not all families are able to pledge $4,000, we hope those families who have the ability to pledge more than $4,000, can do so to help offset the pledges of less than $4,000.
Please return your pledge card this weekend at Mass, and if you have questions please contact Larry Kunkel, our Business Manager, at 317-485-0150.
God bless you!
Our SJV Thermometer FACTS
2018 Fruitful Harvest Pledges are $396,000 or 49% of our goal.
2018 Number of Pledges are 127 out of 400 families (only 32% participation.)
Cash on hand is $2.4 million with expected cost of $5 million for the Parish Life Center.
Your pledges and cash payments are essential for SJV to meet its goal!
Please pray for the success of our campaign!
Pick up a Hail Mary Pledge Card to join in prayer for the success of our Fruitful Harvest Building Campaign! Cards are available in the narthex.
Thank you for your continued generosity!!!
HERE to view the SJV Charitable Tax Strategy.