The purpose of our prayer chain is a way to practice a spiritual work of mercy of praying for the living and the dead. Prayer is a powerful way we can support others by entrusting them into God's care. The prayer chain provides spiritual support for parishioners and their families and friends. When placing someone on the prayer chain, please obtain their permission when giving full names and circumstances.
Your prayer request will be shared with our members of prayer team. It will remain on the prayer chain for one month. No stipend necessary. You may continue to request prayers for prolonged illness. Feel free to send us back a "Prayers Answered" or "Thanksgiving" request upon resolution of the request, if appropriate. Parishioners and immediate family member names will be included in the bulletin for 1 month following your request.
Form Instructions:
Enter your name, your relationship to the person, and a phone number or email address to contact you with any questions if necessary.
REQUEST: In the 'prayer request' section please include this information:
Joining the Prayer Chain:
If you would like to join the prayer chain and pray for those who have requested prayers, please include your email address at the bottom of the form. You will then be added to the weekly email distribution.